Professional Indemnity Insurance for Accountants
Professional Indemnity Insurance for Accountants
Professional Indemnity Insurance is designed to provide protection for your business against liability incurred as a result of errors and/or omissions in performing a professional service to a client. Provided that your client suffers a financial loss as a result.
At Burke Insurances, our Professional Indemnity Insurance for accountants gives financial protection against potential losses arising from errors and/or omissions from a wide variety of services.
Our Policy Cover
Our policy can provide cover for the following exposures:
- Accounting & Bookkeeping errors
- Incorrect taxation advice and/or tax preparation
- Failure to fully comply with Audit undertakings
- Fidelity, Fraud and Dishonesty
- Conflicts of Interest
- Business Valuations
- Breach in Confidentiality
An accountant’s professional indemnity policy will NOT cover risks like bodily injury to a third party (this could be covered under Public Liability insurance) or criminal fines.
These are only a sample of the kind of covers and exclusions under an accountant’s professional indemnity policy.
A Policy that suits your needs
Call us now and we can have a chat with you to discuss what we can offer and arrange a policy that suits your needs. Simply click the button below.
For more information call our office on 091-563 518 or email info@piinsurance.ie