What is Professional Indemnity Insurance?
What is Professional Indemnity Insurance?
So what is professional indemnity insurance anyway? If your profession or business requires you to advise others, you could be exposed to claims for breaches in duty of care.
If in the course of your work of advising clients, you make a mistake or fail to do something that could cause financial loss to another person then you need this type of cover.
Where can I buy Professional Indemnity Insurance?
Our team in PIINSURANCE.IE can arrange a competitive policy to suit your requirements.
Some of the areas we specialise in are:
- Accountant’s professional indemnity
- Architects professional indemnity
- Estate Agents professional indemnity
- IT consultant’s professional indemnity
- Management consultant’s professional indemnity
- Media consultant’s professional indemnity
- Engineers professional indemnity
- Business Consultant professional indemnity
To get your Quote simply click the button above and go to our quotes page. If your occupation is not listed click the “Occupation Not Listed” button.
Just select your occupation and proceed to complete the proposal forms – In most cases you will be able to obtain a quote and purchase covers immediately.
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