Why is Professional Indemnity Insurance Important?
If you are in the business of charging your clients for advice then professional indemnity insurance is important to you because, Professional Indemnity Insurance delivers important financial protection for a variety of professional advisers and consultants.
In the event that your client suffers a financial loss as a result of supposed negligence, mistake or omission P.I. insurance will meet the cost of defending claims and any damages payable.
Our P.I. Insurance policy gives financial protection against potential losses arising from acts, errors and omissions from a wide variety of professional services.
Why is Professional Indemnity Insurance Important?
For example, if you are an architect and make a small but fatal error in the designs of a house or building then that could incur a massive financial loss for your client to rectify the problem. P.I. insurance will cover the legal costs to defend this claim and any subsequent financial compensation that may be awarded.
Get Your Quote
To get your P.I. Insurance quote, simply click the button below and find your occupation.
Alternatively, if would like to get in touch with a member of the Burke Insurances team you can do so by using the chat feature on our website or by visiting the Contact Us page for all our contact details.